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Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes July 2013
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission

July 11, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:   Mike Genest (Selectboard ex-officio), Joan Gorga, Peter Lamb, Isaac Lombard, and Tim Smith
The minutes from the June 13, 2013 meeting were approved without changes.
Shea Field
Scoreboard.  The new scoreboard has not yet been unpacked, since it is not really needed until lacrosse season in the spring.  Pete will check the conditions of the warranty and ensure that its function is checked in time to remedy any issues.
Additional field space
Cemetery field.  Mike and Ben Pratt examined the proposed field space at the Maplewood cemetery and determined that there is no good place for safe entry and exit.
Other potential space.  No contact was made regarding the parcel of land for sale on Smith Road.  
Memorial Gym
Fans.  Fans have been installed and are working in the gym.
ConVal Agreement
Update.  Celeste and Joan attended the ConVal School Board Budget and Property meeting on July 9, 2013, and were able to help clarify Antrim’s perspective on some of the issues.  The B&P Committee concluded that they should seek legal advice as well as getting the Antrim property surveyed.  The consensus of the Parks & Rec Commission was that Antrim should also get the property surveyed and seek legal counsel in order to be prepared to come to an agreement with ConVal over the shared use of the properties.  Mike will follow up about getting the survey completed and speak to Galen about legal counsel.  
Gregg Lake
Beach.  Raking the beach bottom out to a depth of several feet has successfully restored the sandy bottom.  The raking will continue throughout the season when the lifeguards have time.  Most of the watershield has also been weeded out in the swimming area.  
Parking lot.  The pools in the holes in the parking lot have become a hazard, with children playing in them where cars enter the parking lot from the road.  Mike will take the issue to Galen.
Volleyball.  The Sunday afternoon volleyball group has become more blatant with the consumption of alcohol, including drinking from glass bottles in the point area.  The beach attendants have had difficulty enforcing the ordinance banning alcohol, and do not feel they have the support of the police.  Mike will bring this up with the BOS and the police to try to establish clear rules.   
Rec Dept Staff and Programs
Update.  Beach attendant Barbara Beauchamp resigned July 6th.  
Memorial Park
Skate Park
Pyramid reconstruction.  The pyramid framing is almost done, and should be completed by the end of the summer.  The ramps are coming along.  A new “fly box” was set out.  Tim put in a bid for some used equipment from the Windham Skate Park, which is shutting down, but they refused to sell only part of the equipment.  The cost of all of the ramps would be too high, especially since we would have to pay to store most of them.
Scooter competition.  The scooter competition is planned for Saturday, July 13th, with registration starting at 9:00 am and competition starting at 11:00.  Tim has borrowed a PA system and will have a tent set up.
General conditions.  It was reported that poison ivy has crept up onto the bridge, and that there is a large yellow jacket nest in the guide rail near the dam.  One or more of us will try to take care of these conditions in the near future.
10-Year Plan
Survey.  A few copies of the survey have been returned with thoughtful comments made.  
Limrik Article.  Joan distributed a first draft of a Limrik article describing the history and evolution of Memorial Park to Commission.  Revisions and polishing will continue, with the goal of meeting the August 10th Limrik deadline for the September 1 issue.

The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 8th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary